Monday, April 20, 2009

Tennessee Tornadoes

So... This week I'm flying to Tennessee with a bunch of my friends and my riding coach (yes, I ride horses) to see one of my best friends compete at a National Horse Show. I am so excited! I have never been to that state.
I get a free trip to TN with all my closest riding team buddies. We get to fly there, no road trips!I love you girls, but honestly, 15 hours (or however long it is to drive to TN) in a bus with you might get me a little cranky :/
Nashville has so much music history... this is going to be such a great opportunity to do some sight-seeing and take MANY pictures. Trust me, this whole week will be documented!

The only thing I am worried about is TORNADOES! Tennessee has been getting hit with them recently... so i'm scared!

Wish me luck with mother nature!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Amazing concert last night!

Last night me and some friends went to see The All-American Rejects live. They were amazing as usual! (Megs and I will always have a crush on Tyson Ritter). The fact that we saw AAR wasn't the best part, however. A band called Vedera opened for them. The lead singer of the band, Kristen May is absolutely amazing! Well- the whole band is, but her voice blew us away. AND we got to meet her and have her sign the sample cds that they handed out.

This is a video of my favorite song that they performed last night (called 'We Sing') but its from another concert last May! I wish I had my camera with me! ahhh I really regret not bringing it... any ways, at the end of this song that they performed for last night, Kristen stood on her piano bench as she belted out the last minute of the song. So amazing and powerful!

Vedera. My new music obsession :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

This one time in Florida...

Once upon a time Kristin and I went to Florida for a month.
It was amazing, exhilarating, relaxing, and all the good adjectives associated with vacation.
This was one month that we will never forget- winter 08-09
We would go back in a heartbeat <3

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sampson & Me

It feels nice to be home for Easter weekend, or Eastah, as we say in the northeast.
I watched the movie Marley and Me with my mom tonight. Some word of advice: If you are a dog lover, you will cry. The best movie I have seen in a long time.
This is my dog Sampson. In some ways, he reminds me of Marley. Really energetic but unbelieveably lovable.

A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water
log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or
dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people
can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and
special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?
-Marley and Me

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Old Friends

I've started a new life for myself here in NY. I mean, it's natural to do that after residing in a place for almost two years. It's my second home and when I'm sick of being in Rhode Island, where I grew up, NY is my home.

Today I received this awfully sad message on Facebook from one of my best friends from home, Anna.

this isn't like us.
and it makes me sad :(

Bottom line is, I really miss my old friends from high school. Don't get me wrong the friends that i have made here at college are real, true, life-long friends. But there is something special about those people you grew up with. You shared your good times and bad, survived through puberty, acne, first kisses, and moments that you will never forget.

I had a photo assignment to do junior year. Me and a few of my friends took the 45 minute drive to the beach on fall day after school. Alex drove us in his old, black, Jeep Cherokee. Teri sat up front while Niki, Amanda, and I squeezed in the back. The events from our little road trip are a little vague considering this was almost four years ago but it is one of my fondest memories that I have from high school. (among many)

"Come on guys, act natural! I need to get this shot!" I kept saying as I held my brand new Nikon SLR

I love you girls to death and miss you terribly,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tribute to my Dad

"I've learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it."

I love you, Dad

Beautiful Creatures

I really wanted to do a series that played with color vs. black and white... The palominos worked great for this

A year ago...

It's April 8th and there's snow on the ground in Cazenovia.
About a year a ago a few friends and I took a walk down to the lake. It was gorgeous. I took this picture there.
It reminds me of how much I have changed in the past year. I love how the only thing in focus is one little part in the sidewalk.
We still have a few weeks until the weather gets nice enough to bask down at the lake.

I'm proud of my new blog.

My first post.
I just want to thank Meg for setting me up with this blog